
Vesta is US based company that provides SaaS solution for property managers.

As UX/UI Designer my role was redesign existing screens, enhance user experience, define core action and make sure all functions is easy to use. Also, introducing hypotheses on how to make financial management easier, and building new flows.


March 2023 - January 2024


4 Engineers,

1 Stakeholder

1 Designer


Property managers deal with a substantial workload and need the ability to control bookings, handle financial aspects, and manage new inquiries from multiple sources. Vesta is called upon to address these issues. The major problems Vesta faces include:

The current Vesta application is confusing and difficult to navigate. UX flaws make it difficult to find primary actions, leading to a significant increase in customer support requests. Managing the financial aspect was challenging, and navigation was confusing. There is a need to realease a Beta version.



Style refinement

The Vesta team needed guidance with a style that supports their brand, as well as a component library that will help them build cohesive and easy-to-use interfaces. After researching and understanding their brand style and needs, I proposed two options

Version A

This version aimed to address UX issues with minimal intervention in the existing interface to save time for front-end development

Version B

The alternative version focuses on optimizing space utilization, minimizing optional and non-value-added paddings to save room for complex screens and tables. It also supports the brand language by incorporating a subtle purple color and noise texture in the sidebar

Design styles & components

To ensure consistency throughout the project, I spearheaded the development of a comprehensive component library. This library serves as a centralized repository of pre-designed and standardized elements, such as buttons, forms, and other interface components. By leveraging this library, we streamline the design and development process, promoting uniformity across various sections of the application. This not only enhances efficiency but also facilitates a cohesive and polished user experience.

Research & Exploration

While Vesta didn't have a large customer base during the MVP phase, we engaged with early testers, analyzed frequently asked customer support tickets, and studied competitors and marketing trends.

Key takeaways

The current Vesta navigation lacked intuitiveness.

Users require more notifications regarding circumstances that impact reservations.

Managing the financial aspect was challenging.

Property managers have varying styles of financial management, necessitating tailored solutions to enhance efficiency.


As a result, we released a beta version with new functionalities and revisited the user interface. This initiative significantly contributed to Vesta's reduction in customer support requests and successful engagement with new customers.

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